What George Clooney was Saying
(First, background needed...) Dowser Sez: The right wing radio propagandists, their sycophant devotees, and television evangelists love to blame everything on "liberal Hollywood". They also slam liberal and progressive people, said essentially to be led by Hollywood. A Hollywood that is said to be "OUT OF TOUCH with the American people", which supposedly force feeds them liberal, commie, (read atheist), pinko, fag, propaganda that will eventually bring on the downfall of American civilization, and perhaps even hasten Armageddon. In short: the work of SATAN.

"And finally, I would say that, you know, we are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. I think it's probably a good thing. We're the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn't really popular. And we, you know, we bring up subjects. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I'm proud to be a part of this Academy. Proud to be part of this community, and proud to be out of touch."
Photo GNU-GPL'd by "BadDog" (And no I didn't create this post as a reason to post a pic of George Clooney on my blog! ...but it'll do.)
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